Characters of A Mission Remembered

Happy Wednesday everyone!

This week is going by all too fast and all too slow! Today I wanted to talk about some of the various characters in A Mission Remember. There are a lot of recurring characters but, as always with a new book, there are some new ones!

Arphaxad Fredrick: I mean, who didn’t see this coming? He’s the main character. It was fun working with this character again, but very quickly in the story, with his mind getting wiped and all, it was as if I had an entirely new character to work with. So it was a learning curve for both of us to see how the mind of a “blank” slate is like. But the best part of having a mind without memories is that it changes the way he behaves around would-be enemies. This is something that I greatly look forward to writing in books to come.

Mindsweeper: This character was just fun to write. The nature of the character ended up shaping the atmosphere of every scene he’s in! Also the fact that Mindsweeper [Spoiler], oh yeah, I can’t say that much. I guess ya’ll will have to get to know him in the book!

IODINE Agents: There are six of these guys in the story, but only half of them appear more than once, so keep an eye out for reappearing names, the may be important!

Derek Phillips: Both me and Arf were very grateful for this character. IODINE’s #3, he provides some of the upper management power that makes Arf’s life a bit easier. Being a fellow believer, he does what he can to help Arf in his quest to get home, all the while fighting the inward battle between [Spoilers]. Maybe that should be saved for the book.

Simon Stretton: I love this character, but he doesn’t get nearly enough page time to be as awesome as he is. Arf’s best and goofy friend is back to do all he can to help his friend through thick and thin. But what I love about this character is how he grows in this story, which is necessary since [Spoiler]. Can’t I share about one character?! [No] Um, it wasn’t supposed to answer… Anyway, though Simon doesn’t get as much page time as I wanted him to, he [Spoiler].

Hey! just go away, ok? [No]

Abigail Pinesberg: I’m glad Abigail could join us in this story, she was great in the last book. She’s always eager to do what she can when Arf or Simon need her help, and she also feels a debt of gratitude to Arf after the events of the last book. I’m actually surprised the A.I let me get that out.

Jeff Bordeaux: Believer it or not, I still can’t spell this guy’s name right the first time! IODINE’s #2 is not a nice guy and [Spoiler] Really? That is the only other thing I can vaguely share about this guy. [Spoiler]

[Spoiler Characters]: I can’t even say their names!? Fine, ya’ll will have to figure out who these people are in the book!

So before I sign off and figure out what’s wrong with the anti-spoiler A.I, I wanted to remind ya’ll that the Giveaway is still live! To enter, comment below and send me the comment through the Contact Me page!

Until Tomorrow, God’s Speed!

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